bar shift

In 2024 we startet to schedule serving behind the bar during the season.

The intention is for all adult members to work one bar shift, during the week: on weekdays from 18:00 – 22:00, or weekends from 9:00 – 13:00 or 13:00 – 17:00.

You will receive instructions a day in advance or you can access them on the DOSH web-site as follows:

  1. Go to the KNLTB app. The same one that you use to reserve a court.
  2. Go to Club.
  3. Go to “Diensten” (Services).
  4. You will now see all the dates from April – October.
  5. Click on the date you wish to serve behind the bar.
  6. Click on “Inschrijven” (Register).
  7. Click OK.
  8. You have successfully registered for bar service.
  9. Note this date in your diary.

If you have not chosen a date one will be allocated for you.

It is possible to pay €30 to opt out of bar service altogether. This money will be used to hire a replacement for you.

If you have to cancel for any reason, try to swap your date with somebody else or you can also choose to pay €30 to opt out of your bar service.

Just to be clear, it is ONLY bar service that you sign up for. All other work is carried out by the official bar manager: Manon Molenaar. If you have any questions please contact Manon (tel: 0641720976).

It is nice and fun that everybody lends a helping hand.

Regards, Manon




[email protected]


Tennis in hartje Rotterdam!

Tennispark Het Centrum

Mathenesserlaan 131
3015 CH Rotterdam
