Playing at DOSH
The latest version of the Club App has arrived! It’s never been so easy to stay up to date with all the goings-on of the club. Here you can reserve a court, check out competition scores, and even search for a tennis partner and invite that player to join you.
In the meantime, you may reserve a court up to one week in advance. Reservations must be made through the app, either by you or by your partner.
Step 1: install the ClubApp
The KNLTB app can be installed via App Store or Google Play, depending on what kind of mobile phone you use. Download the app and select L.T.V. DOSH to go to our club page.
Step 2: log in
Type in your ‘Bondsnummer’ (membership number, found on the front of your membership card, lower right corner), enter your password and tap ‘Inloggen’ (log in). You can choose your own password at your first log in by tapping ‘Reset mijn wachtwoord’ (Reset my password). You will receive a message at your registered email address, requesting you to confirm your password. Can’t find the confirmation email? Be sure to check your spam folder, or send an email to a member of the administration to ensure they have your correct email address. Oops! Have you forgotten your password? Tap ‘Wachtwoord vergeten?’ (Forget your password?) and follow the above steps for ‘Reset my password’.
Step 3: reserve a court
Log in to the Club App and tap ‘Baan reserveren’ (Reserve a court) at the bottom of the page. You will be taken to the booking screen which will show the current day and open time slots, represented by green spaces with an encircled ‘ + ’ in the middle. Closed timeslots have grey spaces with an encircled ‘ - ‘ in the middle. Naturally, you cannot reserve court time in a closed time slot, but you can tap on the closed slot to see who is playing.
To reserve court time, tap on the desired time slot on a specific ‘baan’ (court) in the booking screen. The next screen asks you to add the name(s) of either the intended DOSH club member(s) or a guest. Tap ‘Speler toevoegen’ (Add player) to get the DOSH member list, then tap the intended name(s). You can also create a list of ‘Tennismaatjes’ (tennis buddies) and choose players from there. To add a guest, tap ‘Introducé toevoegen’ and type in the name and email of your guest. You as well as the club member(s)/guest you have added will receive an automatic email confirmation with the appointment details.
Like to play on a different day? Tap the calendar icon on the top right corner of the booking screen and choose a different day. Remember: you can only reserve within a 7-day period at the moment.
Go to the app’s Home screen to review your current tennis appointment(s), and click on an appointment to see the complete reservation information.